If you wish to settle in Turkey and start your business or purchase property, you may apply for a Residence Permit (e-ikamet). We are in Alanya and here to help you to get your Turkey Residence Visa. There is no minimum investment amount required; only proof of property or business ownership, as well as proof of sufficient financial means to remain in the country
Your dependents (spouse and dependent children) may apply for a family visa, once you get your residence permit. This permit is issued for a maximum of two years. It is extendable, provided that you are continuing to run the business or owning a property, have stayed in the country at least 184 days per year, have been a tax resident, and you have enough income to support yourself and your dependents.
After 8 years of legal residency, you may apply for a long-term residence permit, which will allow you to live in the country indefinitely. To be eligible, you must have not received any social aid from governmental institutions in the last 3 years prior to application, have sufficient and sustainable financial resources, and have a clean criminal record. Our team is fully qualified with many years of experience and we will insure you will get the best service with Alanya Consulting Service.
Who should apply for a residence permit?
A typical tourist visa lets you stay in Turkey for 90 days. If you plan to stay in Turkey longer than this, you need to ensure you have made application for your residence permit before the final day of your tourist visa expiring. Failing to do so, you will almost certainly face a fine and/or a possible ban on your exit from the country. We are here to ensure a smooth process to get your residence permit without any issues.
We perform residence procedures, work permits and also legal matters in Turkey. We also offer the best investment opportunities on Turkish lands, from real estate, opening companies and commercial deals.
Instead of a long-term residence permit, after just 5 years of legal residency with a total interruption of less than six months, you may apply for citizenship. You must prove ties to the country, clean criminal record, not have any serious disease and have sufficient income to support yourself and your dependents. In addition, you must attend an interview to prove your ability to speak Turkish.